Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tolka Valley Pipeline: Update

Cllr Michael O’Donovan

"There is little doubt that, when work starts on the pipeline project, there will be disruption. I am confident that the motions we have passed at today’s meeting will go a long way towards minimising the damage.

We must insist on a full reinstatement and a real investment in landscaping and planting.

I’m pleased that the County Manager has accepted my suggestion of a monitoring committee. The members of that committe will be the eyes and ears of the community while work is in progress".

See below for motions put forward at council meetings, by Cllr Michael O’Donovan. Promises made by council management are attached to each motion:-

Motion No. 1 Councillor O’Donovan
‘That the full reinstatement of the Park be carried out under the supervision of an Ecologist.’

Managers Response:
It is the intention of Water Services Department to employ an ecologist/landscaper as part of the site supervision team during construction and reinstatement. Our Consultant Ecologist is currently working on a job specification for this person. The job specification will be agreed with Parks Division in advance of procurement of the site supervision team.

Motion No. 2 Councillor O’Donovan
‘That the good work done by fishing clubs be commended and that pipe laying be carried out on a section by section basis and ensure that some sections of the Tolka are available at all times to the clubs.’

Managers Response:
Fingal County Council acknowledges the excellent work carried out by the fishing clubs and the other community groups. Fingal County Council has already committed to include the requirement for works being carried out on a section by section basis in the Contract Documents. The Contractor will be required to reseed in the first available window after completion of the work in each section. As this Contract is to be procured under a Design Build Contract, it will be up to the Contractor to programme the exact sequencing of construction events, taking account of the seasonal requirements for rivers, etc as set out in the Natura Ecology Report. Approximately 85% of the Tolka River will be available to fishing clubs at all times.

Motion No. 3 Councillor O’Donovan
‘Council notes that an archaeology study of the pipeline be carried out on behalf of the Council, and requests assurances that all recommendations in the report will be carried out.’

Managers Response:
Fingal County Council commits to implementing any requirements of the Archaeology Study. All necessary pre-construction surveys will be carried out in advance of finalising the Contract Documents. The report will be included with the Contract Documents and the Contractor will be required to carry out all monitoring set out in the report.

Motion No. 4 Councillor O’Donovan
‘That the orchid meadows be reinstated in accordance with the recommendations of the Ecology Report.’

Managers Response:
The successful Contractor will be required to implement all mitigation and reinstatement measures set out in the Ecology Report, including the reinstatement of the orchid meadows.

Motion No. 5 Councillor O’Donovan
‘That all appropriate steps be taken in line with the requirements of the Eastern Regional Fisheries Board, to ensure that the river and fish life are not adversely affected by the works.’

Managers Response:
Initial consultations have taken place with the Eastern Regional Fisheries Board (ERFB). The ERFB are happy that if the works are carried out in accordance with an agreed Method Statement and good work practices are followed, there will be no adverse effect on the river or fish life. There are seasonal constraints when work on the river can be carried out to ensure the breeding season of the fish is not compromised.

Motion No. 6 Councillor O’Donovan
‘That a liaison committee be set up to ensure that local residents are kept informed of progress and can contribute their views.’
Managers Response:
Fingal County Council have already given a commitment to establish such a committee.

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