Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Refusal of Planning Permission for ALDI Proposal

Permission has been refused by An Bord Pleanala for the ALDI proposal to build a supermarket and multi-story apartment block in the centre of Clonsilla Village, across from the entrance to Castlefield.

The Board supporting the earlier refusal by Fingal Council, stated that the proposal was in conflict with the recently completed Planning Strategy for Clonsilla. The Board also supports the Councils’ view that this site should be a village centre style “civic area adjoining the Royal Canal.”

We must be practical here. ALDI still own the site. (Apparently they paid about €7 million for it!). They will clearly want to apply again to develop it, but they must do so in a way that is sympathetic to the existing village and must consult with local residents and public representatives.

I consider this decision to be a victory for good planning and for the community, and I particularly thank those who attended our public meetings and who signed the petition.

If you would like to contact me on this or any other issue, feel free to call me on 087-2207798 or by e-mail to michael.odonovan@fingalcoco.ie.

Cllr Michael O’Donovan
Local Councillor, Clonsilla Area

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