Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Information Letter Re Clonsilla

A Brief Note on Some Local Issues from Cllr Michael O’Donovan

· Clonsilla One-Way System:
I have had many complaints about the one-way system on a section of the Clonsilla road near Molloy’s Wine Store. People feel that it is causing unnecessary car journeys and causing hold-ups at Coolmine. We now have a plan on display to go back to a two-way system. My own instinct is to support a change to a two-way system, but I would be glad to hear your views. If you would like a copy of the map showing the changes, please phone or email me.

· Beechpark Estate, Clonsilla
The Council’s Parks Department has started work on a children’s playground in Beechpark Estate (just over the tracks at Clonsilla Station). Work has also started on laying out some sports pitches. We have a plan to restore the historic walled Shakleton Gardens, but this will take time.

· Cutbacks:
Word is coming through of local schools losing teachers and classroom assistants. We are also getting reports of threats to some of the services at Connolly Hospital. It is my strong view that schoolchildren and hospital patients should not suffer because of a crisis caused by the banks and by speculators. We will be campaigning on these issues. More news to follow………..

· Planning Matters:
The planning application by LA Vista Ltd for a large apartment block on the triangular site between the Clonsilla Road and Mount Symon was withdrawn due to problems with the site notice. The developers have now applied again, and I have again submitted an objection as requested by local residents. I will keep you posted.

· A Sunday stroll?
Fingal’s Parks Department has opened an excellent walking trail from St Catherines Park (behind Westmanstown) down into the Liffey Valley at Lucan. Call or email me if you would like a location map

Yours sincerely,
Cllr. Michael O’Donovan – Local Councillor, Clonsilla area

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Information Letter to Residents of Latchford 10Feb


A Brief Note on some Local Issues

· Recreation and open space:
Fingal Council’s Parks Department have produced a design plan for the large Ongar open space area on both sides of the old Hansfield road. This includes sports pitches, small playground, basketball courts etc, and there is funding for the work. If you would like a copy of the layout plan, please phone or email me.

· Taking-in Charge and Management Company issues:
My colleague Joan Burton and I are fully supportive of the excellent work being done by the residents association in seeking the maximum possible control of the Management Company. We will also press for Fingal Council to take Latchford in charge and assume responsibility for much of what is now done by the management company. This should result in reduced management fees. We will also continue to press for the complementation of the recommendation of the Law
Reform Commission report of the regulation of management companies. These new laws would take power away from developers and give for more control to residents. (Unfortunately the Government has allowed this report to gather dust for the past year).

· Schools:
After a number of years of intense lobbying by parents’ groups the availability of school places has greatly improved. The struggle is not over, however. We need high-quality permanent state-of-the-art school buildings for all our schools. In many cases, community facilities, part-funded by Fingal, are part of the school provision and this makes the school building programme all the more important. I will keep you informed of progress in this area.

If you would like to contact me on these or any other issues, please phone or email me.

Le meas

Michael O’Donovan
Local Councillor – Ongar area

Information Letter to Residents of Allendale Square


A brief note on some local issues from Cllr Michael O’Donovan

1. Taking in charge for Allendale Square:
Discussions have started between Menolly Properties and Fingal Council on this issue, but we are at a very early stage. If Fingal were to take in charge, for example, the main green area, the public lighting, the roads and the drainage system, this could result in reduced management fees. I am expecting a written report from management within the next three weeks and I will send it to you.

2. Open Space and Recreation:
The Council’s Parks Department has produced a plan for open space, sports pitches and a children’s playground on the large open space behind Ongar House. Funding is available from development levies, so the work will be done. If you would like a copy of these plans, please phone or email me.

3. Policing:
The Community Garda are now holding “clinics” which are open to all local residents.
· Garda Liam Nolan is available at the Community Hall in Mary Mother of Hope School, every Thursday night from 20.30 to 21.30.
· There is also a Garda Clinic in Ongar which is running on a trial basis every second Wednesday morning from 08.30 to 09.30 at Castaheany Educate Together School.

4. Management Companies:
Labour is campaigning for the new legislation recommended by the Law Reform Commission on the regulation of Management Companies. In plain language, we want residents to be able to take over their management companies in a timely and orderly fashion, and run it as they want it. Unfortunately, this excellent report is gathering dust, but my colleague Joan Burton is continuing to press in the Dáil for legislation which will genuinely empower residents.

If you would like a copy of our information leaflet on dealing with management companies, please contact us.

If you wish to discuss this or any other issues, please contact me on 087 2207798 or e-mail me at

Le meas,

Michael O’Donovan
Local Councillor- Ongar/Clonsilla area

Information Letter to Residents of Clonsilla

To: Residents of Clonsilla

26 Jan 09

Dear Friends,

A brief note on some local issues.

· Traffic Matters: I have been pressing the Council’s Director of Transportation to put on public display proposals to change the one-way section of the Clonsilla Road to a two-way system. I believe that, given the opportunity, local residents will want this section opened up to motor traffic. The present situation means that motorists wishing to access Blanchardstown Village from the Clonsilla area end up in jams at the Ongar Road or at the roundabout near Coolmine Community School. I’ll keep you informed of developments.
· Trees along Clonsilla Road: A number of residents contacted me to express concern about some work being done on trees in the Village area and I have kept regularly in touch with our Parks Department on the issue. Whatever work needed to be done appears to have been done sensitively. Some good thinning out has also been done on the treed area near the entrance to Porters Gate.
· Planning matters: I recently called a public meeting (in the Clonsilla Inn) in relation to a planning application to develop shops and apartments on the site near Mount Symon, to the west of the link road between Clonsilla Road and Ongar Road. The overwhelming majority of residents were opposed to the proposal because of the height (up to 5 storeys) and the density of the proposal.

I am supporting local residents on this issue and a copy of my objection in included overleaf.

If you wish to contact me on these or any other issues, please feel free to contact me on 087-2207798 or email

Yours sincerely

Cllr Michael O’Donovan (Labour)
Local Councillor – Clonsilla area

As a member of the Blanchardstown Local DrugsTask Force, can I remind you of the Confidential “Dial to Stop Drug Dealing” phone number:-
1800 - 220220