Michael O’Donovan says: "There are a number of points on which there is, I think, general agreement. The existing trees and hedgerows need to be maintained, and planting carried out. We want to hold on to the sense of being in a village, so if there is to be new construction, we want it "village style", not high density and high rise.
A number of key infill sites are crucial:-
The Old School and the lands linked to it along the canal
The Clonsilla Inn site, including the large car park to the rear
3The Aldi site
The Canal bank
The planners are looking at the idea of an Ongar Village type development as a possibility for the ALDI site. This might have some merit.
The lands of Beechpark/Shackleton Gardens are outside the study area, but if the Council takes over all or part of these lands, Clonsilla residents will benefit".
Labour wants to remind residents that they can still influence the final shape of the plan by contacting their local councillors.
Michael says: "The official period for consultation is over, but this plan will have to come back before the Council, and local councillors will have their say. We will bring the views of local residents to the table and we are anxious to get those views at any time."
You can contact Michael at 087-2207798 or michael.odonovan@fingalcoco.ie or Joan at 6184006
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