Friday, February 22, 2008

New Secondary School for Ongar/Clonee


The new secondary school will open its doors this September. The school will be known as Phibblestown Community College and will be administered under County Dublin VEC. A Principal has been appointed and the school will open in temporary premises while the permanent school building is under construction.

Local councillor Michael O’Donovan has been appointed to the Board of Management of the new school.

He says: "I’ve been very critical of school provision in the Castaheany/Ongar area over the last ten years. I’ve accepted a place on the Board of the new school hoping that I can work inside the system and achieve something. I want to ensure that we open in September with a full complement of staff in a high-quality building, even if it’s a temporary one. At the same time, we need to keep up the momentum for the building of the permanent school.

This school project also opens up the possibility of a community facility and sport hall for the area. This would be funded jointly by the Department of Education and the Council".

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