Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cllr Michael O'Donovan Lodges Objection to the Proposal to Demolish 2 Cottages in Main St Blanchardstown

Senior Planning Office
Dublin 15 Area
Fingal County Council
Dublin 15

25th August 2009

Ref: FW09A/0122
A chara,

I write in relation to the above application and I refer in particular to the proposal to demolish two existing cottages and to change the North elevation completely.

I support the idea of bringing life and people into the village and into Main St, Blanchardstown. The site in question is suitable for development. It is a long rectangular site and I do not have a problem with the long back gardens being developed for business use.

My problem is with the notion of demolishing the existing house fronts rather than restoring them.

The row of cottages in question is a long standing feature of the street-scape of Blanchardstown Village. The old black and white photographs show these cottages as an important visual element of the village with the spire of St Brigid’s behind them. We have few enough buildings of this type left in Blanchardstown Village or indeed in Dublin 15 generally due to the pace of development in recent years. I believe our Council has a key role to play in preserving such building by insisting on the retention of these traditional house fronts rather than allowing their demolition.

The artist’s impression of the proposed new street frontage shows a modern shop front with floor to ceiling glass. This is totally out of keeping with the rest of the cottages and should not be permitted

If this demolition is allowed it will set a very worrying precedent. If these cottages can be flattened then so can all the rest.

Again, I wish to state that I do not object to the conversion of the cottages into retail or business use but the existing front elevation should be retained.

I’d be obliged if you would acknowledge receipt of this submission.

Yours sincerely,
Cllr. Michael O’Donovan

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